
Annotations with Symfony2

With Symfony2 much configuration can be added directly to actions with annotations. With Symfony1 there have been cache.yml, route.yml, security.yml and many more configuration files for a single controller. This has not changed with Symfony2. You still are able to configure your (bundle) controller with single files. However, there is a new way which offers more flexibility and adds the configuration right to the place where it is used: to the specific action as meta-info with some sort of annotations.

Automatic Anti-Pattern Corrections for PHP

During my computer science studies at the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences I wrote my bachelor thesis about “Automatic Anti-Pattern Corrections for PHP”. As a fan of the open source philosophy, I want to share my work with others. I invite everyone to contribute to the great lex-pass project and this approach to better PHP software. Please share your thought and ideas on this with me and others by leaving a comment or sending me a message.

Symfony 2.0 Preview

Here we go. Fabien Potencier last week released the preview website for symfony 2.0 (symfony reloaded). Me, as a long time PHP and symfony user this preview shows a lot of new interesting stuff comming to web development with symfony. A Quick-Tour of Fabiens newest baby is also available and points out major changes to the framework. First thing to notice is the completly changed directory structure. Another major step is the use of >= PHP 5.

Symfony Support in NetBeans 6.8 Announced

The NetBeans Team has announced to support not just PHP 5.3 which was released earlier last week but also Symfony in the next release (6.8)! Because I am not very pleased with the PHP support within Eclipse PDT, I am currently using VIM for PHP, and specially, Symfony development. Since Pierre told me recently that the PHP support for NetBeans is getting better and better, I am really looking forward to the next NetBeans release.

PHP 5.3 Released

Well not yet, but hopefully in a couple of hours and minutes. (Check Although there are some new cool features in it such as lambda functions, closures and PHAR support, there is this silly namespace thing. Namespaces are good in generally (remember, you had to prefix each class with your damn project-name to be on the save side) but separating the namespace parts with the *escape* character “” (YES THE BACKSLASH!

Weil ich mich nie an die Blogs der unterschiedlichen Leute im IRCnet Channel erinnern kann, habe ich angefangen eine Liste mit eben den Blogs dieser anzulegen. Es gibt für jeden User die Möglichkeit sich selbst einzutragen, ich muss dann den entsprechenden Link lediglich noch freischalten. Für alle Interessierten: Blogs

PHP-Code-Camp in München

Vom 3. bis zum 6. März 2008 findet in München das PHP Code Camp statt und es sind noch Plätze frei. Auf diesem Camp werden unterschiedliche Schulungen mit einigen bekannten Referenten abgehalten. Das Camp findet im NH Hotel Deutscher Kaiser direkt am Münchner Hauptbahnhof statt und kostet ab 1.790 Euro. Organisiert wird das Code Camp vom PHP Magazin und von der Entwickler Akademie und wird als ein neuartiges Trainingskonzept beworben, das vier Tage lang in konzentrierter Form vermittelt, wie PHP-Anwendungen mit professionellem Anspruch entwickelt werden können.