
Annotations with Symfony2

With Symfony2 much configuration can be added directly to actions with annotations. With Symfony1 there have been cache.yml, route.yml, security.yml and many more configuration files for a single controller. This has not changed with Symfony2. You still are able to configure your (bundle) controller with single files. However, there is a new way which offers more flexibility and adds the configuration right to the place where it is used: to the specific action as meta-info with some sort of annotations.

Should my next project use Symfony2?

In a couple of hours, the Symfony Live event in Paris is going to start. You can expect Fabien Potencier to release Symfony 2.0 at the keynote he is holding on March 3rd at 17:30.This is actually not a big deal since Symfony2 has been around for a couple of months. The big question is, should you already start developing your next project with Symfony2? There is no definite answer to that but what you can expect is a “not so much” changing API and already robust Framework right from the start.